Node.js in Shared Hosting
When you host an Internet app on our leading-edge cloud platform and you want to try Node.js, you will be able to add it to your web hosting account regardless of the shared hosting plan that you are using. This can be done via the Upgrades section in the Hepsia Control Panel and you’ll be able to use Node.js in no more than a few minutes after you add this upgrade to the account. You will be able to select how many instances you would like to add to your account – one instance means that one application will be using Node.js. In the new section that will appear in the Control Panel, you can insert the path to the .js file in your hosting account and choose if the file in question will be accessible via the shared IP address of the physical server or via a dedicated IP. Our system will also specify a port number for the connection. You will be able to terminate or to reboot each instance independently, if needed.
Node.js in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you buy a semi-dedicated server package through us, you’ll be able to make use of the full capacity of Node.js with any Internet app that you host on our cloud website hosting platform, because it is included with each and every semi-dedicated hosting package offered by our company. You can indicate the number of instances, or applications that can use Node.js, from the Hepsia Control Panel with which you can manage your semi-dedicated account. The only things that you will have to do after that will be to define the path to the .js file that will use Node.js within the account and to select the IP that will be used in order to access that file. You can pick a dedicated IP if you’ve got one, or any of the server’s shared IP addresses. Our platform will also specify a randomly generated port. Using the Node.js controls inside the Hepsia Control Panel, you will be able to see a given app’s output or to start/reboot/terminate any of the instances that you’ve created.
Node.js in VPS Web Hosting
Node.js is included by default with each virtual private server that is ordered with the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel and involves no restrictions regarding the number of websites that can use it at any given time. This makes our VPS plans an ideal choice for administering different real-time web applications and for making the most of each of them. Hepsia is intuitive enough even for individuals with no prior experience, so if you would like to activate Node.js for any app, it won’t take more than several clicks to make this. You’ll simply have to add the location of the .js file in question and to select if Node.js will use the server’s shared IP address or a dedicated IP. Our platform will also allocate a particular port that will be used to access the .js file. Right after that, you will be all set and will be able to make use of the full potential of your real-time apps. Hepsia will enable you to see the apps’ output and to reboot or to stop any of your instances using quick-access controls.
Node.js in Dedicated Servers Hosting
Node.js is available with all dedicated servers hosting packages on which our custom Hepsia Control Panel is installed. The latter offers an incredibly intuitive and user-friendly GUI, so even if you have not worked with Node.js before, you’ll be able to take advantage of its full potential in only a couple of simple steps. Once you have uploaded the app’s content, you will need to add the folder path to the specific .js files that will use the Node.js platform and to choose the IP address that they will use (dedicated or shared), while our system will set a random port that will be used to access the files in question. There isn’t any restriction on the total number of instances that you can set up and run simultaneously and you will have complete command over them from the Hepsia Control Panel – you will be able to get new ones or to remove/reboot existing ones, to check the output log for each app, and many others.